Neural Crest Research Colloquia (NCRC)
A virtual seminar series highlighting new research in the field of Neural Crest.
Organized by:
Rosa Uribe @uribelabrice (Rice University)
Crystal Rogers @RogersLabUCD (UC Davis)
Erica Hutchins @DrEricaBioPhD (UCSF)
The e-seminar series
has enabled Neural Crest PIs and other early stage investigators to showcase their research, while also creating a forum for collaboration.
We have concluded our virtual series at the end of 2021.
We thank all of you for your participation throughout the NCRC run, and many thanks to all of our wonderful speakers for helping to engage our neural crest community over these many months!
Past Seminars
Dr. D’Juan Farmer
Postdoctoral Scholar, Crump Lab, USC
Incoming Assistant Professor, UCLA
”Tracing the developmental origins of cranial sutures”
Nov. 18 at 2pm CST (3pm EST/12pm PST)
Dr. Ross Poché
Associate Professor at Baylor College of Medicine
”RONIN is a transcriptional regulator of ribosome biogenesis impacting craniofacial development”
Oct. 27 at 11am CST (12pm EST/9am PST)
Dr. Katherine Fantauzzo
Assistant Professor at University of Colorado Anschutz
”Two sides of the same face: PDGF receptors in the neural crest”
Sept. 24 at 2pm CST (3pm EST/12pm PST)
Dr. Loydie Jerome-Majewska
Associate Professor at McGill University
”The contribution of alternative splicing to craniofacial development”
May 25 at 2pm CST (3pm EST/12pm PST)
Dr. Anne-Hélène Monsoro-Burq
Professor at Université Paris Saclay, Group Leader at Institut Curie
”Neural crest induction and multipotency: tales from the frog embryo”
May 19 at 11:30am CST (12:30pm EST/9:30am PST/6:30pm Paris)
Dr. Heather Ray
Assistant Professor at Idaho State University
”Explorations of tumor suppressor function in neural crest development”
May 6 at 12pm CST (1pm EST/10am PST)
Dr. Crystal Rogers
Assistant Professor at UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
”Regulating neural crest cell fate and survival during avian development”
Apr. 15 at 12pm CST (1pm EST/10am PST)
Dr. Ben Lovely
Assistant Professor at University of Louisville School of Medicine
”Ethanol and a tale of two cells: the context of jaw development”
Mar. 17 at 12pm CST (1pm EST/10am PST)
Dr. Charles Kaufman
Assistant Professor at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
”Transcriptional regulation of neural crest and melanoma initiation”
Mar. 4 at 1pm CST (2pm EST/11am PST)
Dr. Rosa Uribe
Assistant Professor at Rice University
”Investigation of neural crest cell differentiation in zebrafish”
Feb. 18 at 12pm CST (1pm EST/10am PST)
Dr. Samantha Brugmann
Associate Professor at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
”Exploring Hedgehog signal transduction in cranial neural crest cells”
Feb. 3 at 12pm CST (1pm EST/10am PST)
Dr. Marcos Simoes-Costa
Assistant Professor at Cornell University
”Recurring patterns in development and disease: the co-option of embryonic gene circuits by neural crest derived cancers”
Jan. 19 at 12pm CST (1pm EST/10am PST)
Dr. Peter Lwigale
Associate Professor at Rice University
“Ocular development: Insights from neurovascular patterning and periocular neural crest cell differentiation”
Dec. 10 at 2pm CST (3pm EST/12pm PST)
Dr. Dominque Alfandari
Professor at University of Massachusetts Amherst
”Post-translational control of cranial neural crest cell migration”
Dec. 2 at 2pm CST (3pm EST/12pm PST)
Dr. Ronald Parchem
Assistant Professor at Baylor College of Medicine
“MicroRNA regulation of neural crest fate specification”
Nov. 24 at 1pm CST (2pm EST/11am PST)
Dr. Shuyi Nie
Assistant Professor at Georgia Tech
“Coordinate cytoskeletal regulation in neural crest cell migration”
Nov. 4 at 2pm CST (3pm EST/12pm PST)
Dr. Craig Ceol
Assistant Professor at UMass Medical School
“Targeting ligand-dependent BMP signaling in melanoma”
Oct. 27 at 1pm CST (2pm EST/11am PST)
Dr. Ankur Saxena
Assistant Professor at University of Illinois Chicago
“Hitching a ride with the neural crest: Driving towards differentiation”
Oct. 14 at 3pm CST (4pm EST/1pm PST)
Dr. Yoshihiro Komatsu
Assistant Professor at
UT Health Science Center Houston
“The Role of Ciliary Protein in Craniofacial Bone Development”
Sept. 16 at 3pm CST (4pm EST/1pm PST)

Neural Crest Research Colloquia (NCRC)
A virtual seminar series highlighting new research in the field of Neural Crest.